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Constable, , G.A., Hodgson, A.S. (1986-08-20)
Drip irrigation has been of interest in regions where water is scarce or expensive (e.g. Israel and Arizona).
Rice, Martin (1986-08-20)
A very serious situation faces growers due to increasing insecticide resistance, the fall-off in development of new chemicals and the rising costs of insecticides from overseas.
Thomson, N.J. (1986-08-20)
firstly canvassed growers on their experiences with Siokra. Most said that weeds were no more difficult to control in Siokra than in Deltapine 90.
Constable, G.A., Rochester, I.J., Cook, J.B. (1986-08-20)
Questions are often raised about whether trace elements are required on cotton.
Pyke, B.A., Rice, M.J., Sabine, B.N.E., Zalucki, M.P. (1986-08-20)
The Push Pull Strategy (P.P.S.) is a method of sensory manipulation of pest insects originated at the University of Queensland.