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Forrester, N.W. (1986-08-20)
The threat of resistance has been realised, and no doubt will continue to be realised in the future. What then is the cost once resistance has developed?
Moffett, Melda L. (1986-08-20)
Bacterial blight of cotton is a major disease in most cotton growing countries of the world.
ACGRA (1986-08-20)
Program and proceedings index. - This conference will be far more than just a research conference.
Twi, Ne, P.H. (1986-08-20)
In the era of nearly total reliance on pesticides, there was general disregard of the fact that even the simplest agroecosystem presents a complicated maze or delicately balanced ecological interactions.
Allen, Stephen J. (1986-08-20)
A review of overseas literature shows that several approaches have been recommended for the control of bacterial blight of cotton .