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Daly, J. (1988-07-22)
Travel Daly Narrabri research conference
Keefer, G.D., Blamey, P. (1988-06-30)
To study the response of cotton to varying nitrogen rates and times and , methods of application unde r different irrigation strategies . , To demonstrate. to cotton grower under commercial conditions.
Hearn, A.B. (1988-06-30)
This project started in 1981 funded by ACGRA. CRC assumed funding until the project terminated in 1986.
Fitt, Gary (1988-06-30)
Project aims: (i) to investigate the spatial and temporal patterns of Heliothis adult and larval abundance, mortality and host use by each species and their dispersal from other crops into cotton.
Noble, R.M. (1988-06-30)
The application of the chemical technique developed in DAQ27L in determining the age of field collected adults of Pectinophora scutigera (pinkspotted bollworm).