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Daly, J. (1988-07-22)
Travel Daly Narrabri research conference
Lawrence, Peter, Hunter, Mal (1988-06-30)
Advanced breeding selections initially selected at Biloela outyielded CSIRO selections initially selected at Narrabri. In contrast, the Biloela selections were low yielders when tested in New South Wales (NSW).
Wolfe, E.C. (1988-06-30)
Installation of a Halon gas fire suppression facility has been completed at a total cost of $12,970* including the linking of the warning system to the building's fire warning system.
Bing So, Hwat, Schafer, B.M. (1988-06-30)
No report available
Keefer, G.D., Blamey, P. (1988-06-30)
To study the response of cotton to varying nitrogen rates and times and , methods of application unde r different irrigation strategies . , To demonstrate. to cotton grower under commercial conditions.