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Porter, Mark (1992-08-11)
This paper outlines the requirements to effectively operate a Controlled Traffic farming system, with emphasis on the need for some form of automatic steering assistance for farm machinery.
Fitt, Gary P., Dillon, Martin L., Gregg, Peter C., Zalucki, Myron P., Murray, , David A.H. (1992-08-11)
Helicoverpa punctigera (Wallengren) and H. armigera (Hubner) have a number of characteristics which make them highly successful pests of numerous crops in Australia, including cotton (Fitt 1989).
Forrester, Neil W., Bird, Lisa J. (1992-08-11)
It has been 9 years now since the introduction of the Summer Crop Resistance Management Strategy in 1983/84 season.
Gordon, Stuart G., Leeder, John D., Steadman, Robert G. (1992-08-11)
Cotton fibre maturity has several definitions.
McKenzie, D.C., Koppi, Tony, McBratney, Alex (1992-08-11)
This paper discusses recent progress with the refinement of promising methods, both direct and indirect, for measuring the severity of compaction in cracking clays used for irrigated cotton.