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Dorahy, Chris, Blair, Graeme, Rochester, Ian (Australian Cotton Growers Research Association, 2000-08-16)
Phosphorus (P) fertiliser usage in the cotton industry has increased six-fold in the period between 1981 and 2000.
Daly, Joanne, Olsen, Karen (Australian Cotton Growers Research Association, 2000-08-16)
Resistance is an ongoing concern with the management of Helicoverpa armigera in the Australian cotton industry.
Dangm H, Holloway, J.W (Australian Cotton Growers Research Association, 2000-08-16)
The susceptibility to Bt toxins in Australian field populations of Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa punctigera has been monitored at the Australian Cotton Research Institute since 1993 (Forrester and Bird 1996).
Bentley, S, Kochman, J, Moore, N, Pattemore, J, Gulino, L, O'Neil, W (Australian Cotton Growers Research Association, 2000-08-16)
Fusarium wilt of cotton has emerged as a major threat to cotton production, since it was first recorded in Australia in 1993.
Williams, Allan (Australian Cotton Growers Research Association, 2000-08-16)
Revisions to the second edition of the cotton industry's Best Management Practices Manual have been made with an emphasis on improving the useability of the document.