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Pyke, Bruce (2000-06-30)
For the fourth season, the CRDC have commissioned a survey to examine the impact of, INGARD Cotton, (by Monsanto) on pesticide use in the Australian cotton industry.
Bange, Michael (2000-06-30)
Aims Continue to develop and field test CottonLOGIC and related management cl packages with particular emphasis on lngard cotton and later food spray technology. 2.
Constable, Greg (2000-06-30)
In 1999, CRDC provided funding to CSIRO to purchase a custom built trailer to transport planter or plot harvester to remote experiment sites.
Raine, Steven (2000-06-30)
This document reports the findings from a survey of drip irrigated cotton growers and equipment manufacturers conducted during May-June, 2000.
Campbell, Peter (2000-06-30)
The project objective was to contribute to production of Helicoverpa resistant cotton cultivars by identifying proteins capable of blocking insect digestion.