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Presentations and papers from the 2008 Cotton Conference.
Shimazaki, Takashi (2008-08-13)
My presentation 'Winning back markets for Australian cotton is an important topic. I have been buying Australian cotton for over 20 years and supplying it to spinning mills in Japan and other countries also.
Farrell, Tracey, Hulugalle, Nilantha (2008-08-13)
A more recent survey by CSD (Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd.) in 2007 targeted growers that were achieving 12 bales /ha cotton yields.
Jernigan, Ed, Stone, FC (2008-08-13)
Conference presentation 2008
Ford, Adam (2008-08-13)
Presentation powerpoint - Introduction & Agenda:* *ICE Futures US *Cotton #2 Futures & Options *Volatility *Price Discovery & Risk Management *Conclusions and Observations
Spellson, Arthur (2008-08-13)
Since the completion of the EMS Pathways project the Australian Cotton Shippers Association (ACSA) and Cotton Australia (CA) have been committed to maintaining the momentum the project created by taking on the followi