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Frager, Lyn, Temperley, John (University Of Sydney, 2009-06-30)
The cotton industry in Australia had an early interest in pursuing improved safety and has included
presentations on cotton production health and safety at most annual cotton conferences since 1990
Warnock, Brendon, Everleigh, Awan, Dimond, Amber, Kummerow, Megan (CRDC, 2009-06-30)
The Cotton export market is highly competitive and when it comes to quality Australia needs to be
the world's best. To realise this goal, the whole of the Australian Cotton supply chain must
Chen, Guangang (University Of Southern Queensland, 2009-06-30)
Keytah is an irrigated cotton and grains farming operation west of Moree in Northern NSW. The
total area of the property is 24 000 hectares of which 10 400 hectares is irrigated cotton, grown in
Sharman, Murray (Queensland Department Of Primary Industries And Fisheries, 2009-06-30)
This project aimed to examine the possible impact of tobacco streak virus (TSV) on the
Moulynox, Jason (2009-06-30)
Cotton production is an important rural industry in Australia. Disease pressure from emerging pathogens such as Thielaviopsis basicola threatens to reduce production.