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Hereward, James (University Of Queensland, 2011-06-30)
Resistance to poses a threat to the continued sustainable production of cotton that transgenic agriculture has enabled.
Hannon, Fionnuala (GHD, 2011-06-30)
GHD was contracted to undertake works by the National Program for Sustainable Irrigation through the grant, 2nd Round 2008 National Program for Sustainable Irrigation, Western Australia and the South West Development
Watson, Andrew, Stevenson, Neil, Foster, Michael, Corish, Nigel (Corish Farms Pty Ltd, Auscott Ltd, Elders Rural Services, Andrew Watson, 2011-06-30)
The Cotton export market is highly competitive and when it comes to quality Australia needs to be the world's best.
Van Der Sluijs, Rene (2011-06-30)
If Australia is to maintain its reputation as a consistent supplier of high quality cotton it
will need to ensure that the entire cotton pipeline from growing to ginning and from
Herron, Grant (NSW Department Of Primary Industries, 2011-06-30)
Since the introduction of Bt-cotton secondary pests such as aphids, mites and bugs have become more prominent requiring targeted insecticide control.