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Bange, Michael (CSIRO Agriculture; CSIRO Manufacturing, 2016-06-30)
The project successfully captured interactions between cultivar (genetic) x season (environment) x field management x post processing (ginning) variables.
Summers, Brooke (Step Communications Brooke Summer, 2015-06-30)
The Australian Rural Leadership Foundation was established in 1992 based on the premise that developing leaders in rural, regional and remote Australia could influence change across organisations, industries as a whol
Tan, William (University Of Sydney, 2013-06-30)
‘Assuring industry capacity to manage the stewardship of biotechnologies and crop protection products’, is a key tactic within the CRDC’s 2012-12 Annual Operating Plan.
Chen, Guangnan (National Centre For Engineering In Agriculture (NCEA), 2013-06-30)
The purpose of the travel sponsorship was for Dr Guangnan Chen to attend and present a paper on “Developing Life Cycle Inventory for Life Cycle Assessment of Australian Cotton” at the 2013 ALCAS Conference held in Syd
Kirkby, Karen (NSW Department Of Primary Industries, 2013-06-30)
“Diseases of Cotton X” aimed to increase sustainability of the Australian cotton
industry through comprehensive disease surveillance. Continued collaborative