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Linda, Smith, Linda, Scheikowski (Department Of Agriculture And Fisheries Queensland, 2015-06-30)
The reason for travel is to attend the 2014 Beltwide Cotton Conference to be held from the 6 – 8 January at the Marriott Hotel in New Orleans, LA, USA.
Corish, Nigel (MacIntyre Valley Cotton Growers Association (CGA), 2014-06-30)
The Back Paddock Company has become one of the leading soil nutrition consultants in the cotton industry.
Everleigh, Rob, Hunter, Geoff (2014-06-30)
The Dryland cotton industry is often disadvantaged by not being able to plant within the limited time available under the planting window.
Lower, Tony (University Of Sydney, 2014-06-30)
Health and safety are key issues for all agricultural businesses and while the cotton sector is an industry leader in this area, further work was required to strengthen on-farm systems and processes.
Stone, Gordon (Gordon Stone & Associates, 2014-06-30)
Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC) has undertaken research, within its Cotton Industry Workforce Development Project, into defining cotton agribusiness sector (resellers, suppliers of goods and service