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Petty, Hayden (Cotton Research & Development Corporation (CRDC), NSW DPI, 2020-10-22)
The Australian cotton industry has made considerable yield gains by improving genetics and agronomic management, which is ultimately limited by the environmental constraints in our growing regions.
Capon, Samantha (Cotton Research & Development Corporation (CRDC), Griffith University, 2020-02-01)
Riparian ecosystems are a critical element of the landscape, especially in agricultural and other human-dominated landscapes (Capon et al. 2013; Capon and Pettit 2018).
Comiskey, Sonya (Central Highlands Development Corporation, 2019-12-31)
At 31st December 2019, the Agfrontier Regional AgTech Incubator program was at the halfway point in its 14-month long duration.
Kummerow, Meg (Fly The Farm, 2019-12-31)
The objective of the project was to hold two workshops, one in Queensland & one in NSW with 20 attendees, 50% of whom must be women (10 attendees).
Perovic, David (Cotton Research & Development Corporation (CRDC), NSW DPI, 2019-11-30)
The Australian cotton industry is a global leader in water use efficiency.