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Redfern, Ruth, Jenson, Melanie (CRDC, 2016-09)
The Spring edition of CRDC's magazine, Spotlight, puts soil and nutrition under the microscope in the lead up to planting.
Redfern, Ruth, Jenson, Melanie (CRDC, 2016-06-06)
The winter edition of CRDC's magazine, Spotlight, investigates the issue of big data and the evolution from precision agriculture to decision agriculture.
Redfern, Ruth, Jenson, Melanie (CRDC, 2016-03-07)
The autumn edition of CRDC's magazine, Spotlight, looks at the ground-breaking work CRDC is investing in with its research partners to develop ways to make cotton production more reliable and profitable.
Redfern, Ruth, Jenson, Melanie (CRDC, 2015-12-01)
In this 25th anniversary special edition of Spotlight, we take a look back at 25 years of innovation and the 25 major achievements of cotton RD&E during this time.