Development of techniques and evaluation of the potential of cage culture of silver Perch for cotton farms
A collaborative research project involving NSW DPI and QDPI&F through the Cotton Catchment Communities CRC has commenced to evaluate the potential for aquaculture on cotton farms. The objectives of the NSW DPI component of the project are to: (i) determine optimal culture conditions (stocking density, diets, cage size and shape) for silver perch; (ii) identify cotton farms and infrastructure with potential for fish culture; (iii) evaluate the feasibility and economics of silver perch cultured in cages using on-farm trials; (iv) determine appropriate fish culture strategies for use on cotton farms. Successful integration of silver perch farming will provide cotton farmers with a diversification that adds significant value to irrigation water, and increases the efficiency of water use and environmental sustainability. Involvement of the highly professional cotton industry could provide the infrastructure and associated skill base to provide a new production platform for silver perch and lead to increased production.
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- 2006 Australian Cotton Conference
Proceedings from the 2006 Australian Cotton Conference