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(Natural Solution Env. Consultants, 2008-06-30)
(Australian Cotton Growers Research Association, 2000-08-16)
(CSIRO Plant Industry, 2003-06-30)
(Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, 2010-12-01)
(Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, 2009-09-02)
(CRDC, 2004-06-30)
(Australian Cotton Growers Research Association, 2004-08-12)
(Crop Consultants Australia, 2012-06-30)
(Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, 2012-02-15)
(RIRDC, 2016-06-30)
(NSW Department Of Primary Industries, 2013-06-30)
(Macquarie Valley CGA, 2014-06-30)
(Agtrans Research, 2018-09-30)