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Brook, Ken D., Stafford, Brian G., Hearn, A. Brian (1986-08-20)
Early crop protection is a controversial subject in modern pest management. Grower magazines in Australia and the U.S. carry articles expressing firm opinions both for and against.
Wilson, , A.G.L., Bauer, L. (1986-08-20)
The scouting of cotton for eggs and larvae of Heliothis spp is a labour intensive and therefore expensive undertaking.
Wilson, , Lewis, Wilson, Angus (1986-08-20)
Three species of pest mites are found in cotton in NSW and Qld: the two spotted mite, Tetranychus urticae, the bean mite, T. ludenli, and the strawberry mite, T. lambi. Of these T.
Hodgson, A.S. (1986-08-20)
Each furrow irrigation waterlogs most of the root zone of cotton in cracking clay soils. This deprives the roots of oxygen, they take up less water and nutrients. and this reduces growth and yield.
S.Wangboonkong (1986-08-20)
The cotton bollworm, Heliothis armigera Hubner, is the most serious pest of cotton in Thailand.
Holland, Hugh (1986-08-20)
Answers to the questions : How do I find and use probes for scheduling irrigations? Are they used as the only scheduling tool? How do we use our water most effectively?
Moffett, Melda L. (1986-08-20)
Bacterial blight of cotton is a major disease in most cotton growing countries of the world.
Keefer, G.D. (1986-08-20)
This project was prompted by disappointingly low cotton yields at Emerald and other Central Queensland centres.
Allen, Stephen J. (1986-08-20)
A review of overseas literature shows that several approaches have been recommended for the control of bacterial blight of cotton .
HOUGHTON, DICK (1986-08-20)
Firstly, it is important to define "Minimum Tillage" as it applies to our operation. Our objective in achieving such a system is more correctly described as a "Permanent Bed'' system i.e.
ACGRA (1986-08-01)
Fitt, Gary (1986-07-05)
The visits to research institutions proved extremely enlightening and valuable.
Wilson, A. (1986-06-30)
This 3 year study examined the relationships between catches of Heliothis adults in monitoring traps and the abundance of eggs on cotton crops.
Hearn, A.B. (1986-06-30)
* Testing various versions of SIRATAC on a commercial scale. * Ptoviding a database of the response of cotton to damage. *Comparing the response of the new varieties Siokra and DP90 with DP61.
Lawrence, P.K. (1986-06-30)
To determine the various factors affecting the loss of activity of insecticides on cotton over time.
Hearn, A.B., Brook, K.D. (1986-06-30)
Brook, K.D. (1986-06-30)
Mason, W. (1986-06-30)
Allen, S.J. (1986-06-30)