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Cottee, Nicola (Cotton Australia, 2018-06-30)
Cotton Australia engages cotton growers, consultants, and representatives of industry bodies to provide strategic advice regarding CRDC investments and industry stewardship programs.
The Cotton Field Awareness Map is an industry initiative which has been designed to highlight the location of cotton fields.
Sellars, Simon, Taylor, Ian (Boyce Chartered Accountants, 2019-06-30)
The 2018 Australian Cotton Comparative Analysis (ACCA) is the fourteenth report produced by Boyce Chartered Accountants in conjunction with the Cotton Research & Development Corporation (CRDC).
Byrnes-Morrison, Tracey (Cotton Australia, 2019-06-30)
The funding for project CA1804 was the underwriting of the 2018 Australian Cotton Conference.
Sparks, Michael (CRDC, 2019-02)
CRDC undertakes an annual survey of cotton growers to gather information about farming practices and growers’ views on research, development and extension.
Ceeney, Sally (Cotton Australia, 2019-06-30)
Uptake for CottonMap was high for the 2018/19 season
• Approximately 86% of the total planted area was mapped
• Approximately 30,856 page views for the CottonMap
Sparks, Michael (CRDC, 2020-02-28)
Durham, John (Southern Valleys Cotton Growers Association, 2020-06-30)
During the past few cotton seasons in the CGA region there were approximately 20 spray drift reports per season, with nearly 40 unreported events per season.
Iva Quarisa, John Durham (Cotton Research & Development Corporation (CRDC), 2019-09-30)
Sparks, Michael (CRDC, 2020-11-16)
Sparks, Michael (CRDC, 2021-12-01)
Sequeira, Richard (2000-06-30)
This preliminary six-month project was commissioned to investigate basic, entomological aspects of cotton production in the far-north Queensland (Richmond), environment.
Hart, Barry T., Chan, Terry (2006-05-15)
This report - Ecological Risk Assessment Case Study for the Lower Loddon Catchment: Bayesian decision network model for predicting grey-crowned babbler population abundance in the Lower Loddon catchment - is the fourt
Tiller, David, Hart, Barry T., Chan, Terry, Putt, Clare, Westbury Anne-Maree (2009-08-17)
This report is the third in a series of five produced by NPSI project UMO45 Delivering Sustainability through Risk Management.
Williams, Allan (Australian Cotton Growers Research Association, 1996-08-16)
After three years of the joint research program, a system of best management practices was identified as the best way of achieving the second and third goals.
(CRDC, 2004-06-30)
Project Summaries from Postgraduate Visit
McKinnon, Buchanan, Delaney, Dodd, Humphries, Ivkovic, Lightfoot, Lowor, Machado, Najar, Speirs, Vanags, Werth, Whiffen and White
Auld, Bruce (2009-03-01)
In a suite of 27 national weeds research projects funded as part of the Defeating the Weed Menace Program.
Bartimote, Timothy (University Of Sydney, 2015-06-30)
Water is the most limiting input in irrigated cotton production. Compaction reduces access to the soil water resource and reduces soil health.
Brook, , K.D., Hearn., A.B. (1984-12-05)
This paper reports the initial results from testing different versions of the SIRATAC pest management system in the Namoi Valley for two seasons the experiments were designed to investigate the ability of the program
Townsend, Kim, John, McKee,, Townsend, Joe (2006-08-10)
The cost-benefit analysis of 43 fields of cotton defoliated using at least one pass with variable rate chemical application, showed significant benefits for the farmers involved.