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Hill, James, Morgan, Sally (Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, 2010-06-30)
The ‘Regional Cotton Extension Officer’ has played a key role in improving the uptake of research
within the Cotton Industry by jointly working with the Cotton Catchment Communities Cooperative
Yang, Shouren (CSIRO, 2010-06-30)
In order to maintain its premium in the world cotton market it will be important for Australia
to extend its position as a preferred supplier of high quality fibre. Australian cotton is
Mahon, Rod (CSIRO, 2010-06-30)
This project resolved two long-standing anomalies regarding Cry2Ab resistance in H. armigera.
McCarthy, Alison (University Of Southern Queensland, 2010-06-30)
Improving the efficiency of water use in agriculture is increasingly essential to maintain the
profitability and sustainability of farms. This involves applying only the minimum necessary
Chen, Guangnan (National Centre For Engineering In Agriculture, 2010-06-30)
Ginning is an energy intensive process. This project evaluates the energy usage inside the cotton gins in Australia. electricity use is found to range between 44-66 kWh per bale, with national average being 52.3 kWh.
Williams, Claire (Flinders University Of South Australia, 2010-06-30)
The Murray Darling Basin is Australia’s largest agricultural area and a major user of water for irrigation.
Murray, David (Queensland DEEDI, 2010-06-30)
Silverleaf whitefly (SLW), Bemisia tabaci B biotype (Gennadius), is a major insect pest of cotton and horticultural industries.
Van Moort, Jan Paul (GHD Hassall, 2010-06-30)
The National Program for Sustainable Irrigation (NPSl) and Irrigation Australia Limited
(IAL) engaged GHD Hassallto develop a framework for future irrigation research,
Wang, Bo (CSIRO, 2010-06-30)
is a limiting factor for cotton production in Australia. As a soil-borne fungal pathogen, epidemiological, ecological and genetic features of Fov populations are strongly influenced by soil conditions.
Sebben, Megan (South Australian Research And Development Institute, 2010-06-30)
Australia's water resources are in a serious state, both in reduced quantity and declining quality due to
Van Der Sluijs, Rene (CSIRO Plant Industry, CSIRO Entomology, 2010-06-30)
Quarantine plays a critical role to ensure that Australia remains free from serious pests, weeds and diseases present in other parts of the world.
Errington, Meredith (University Of Sydney, 2010-06-30)
The International Plant Nutrition Colloquium is the major international plant
nutrition conference, held every four years. This year the 16th IPNC, entitled
Liu, Qing (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2010-06-30)
As a by product of more valuable cotton fibre, cottonseed oil (CSO) in its current form is widely used in its current form in various food applications around the world.
Mensah, Robert (NSW Department Of Industry And Investment, 2010-06-30)
This report presents the experimental work and outcomes of the project that commenced in 2006 and was completed on 30 June 2010 (03DAN001).
Van Der Sluijs, Rene (CSIRO, 2010-06-30)
The intention of this report is to provide the Australian Cotton Industry with information on the performance of the 2008 crop in regard to content and short fibre content as tested by the AFIS PRO instrument, finenes
Nehl, David (Industry And Investment NSW, 2010-06-30)
The following industry take home messages are a summary of practical findings pertinent
to growers and industry personnel:
Acworth, Ian (University Of NSW, 2010-06-30)
A preliminary water balance was carried out for the Maules Creek catchment to assist in the establishment of an appropriate conceptual model for the aquifer-river system.
Roth, Guy (University Of New England, Roth Rural & Regional Pty Ltd, 2010-06-30)
Expectations for industries to manage resources in a sustainable manner raise the question of how industries can demonstrate their sustainability credentials.
Donaldson, Sheila, Adcock, Louise (Namoi CMA, 2010-06-30)
n September 2006 the Namoi Catchment Management Authority (Namoi CMA) and
the Cotton Catchment Communities Cooperative Research Centre (Cotton CRC)
Bennett, John (University Of Sydney, 2010-06-30)
Whereas the use of gypsum for the amelioration of sodic soils under dryland and
irrigated agricultural systems has been relatively well studied, experiments investigating lime