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BDA Group (2013-01-10)
The National Program for Sustainable Irrigation Phase 2 (NPSI II) is a partnership between a number of research agencies, irrigation industries, water management authorities and state and federal governments.
Hoyle-Mills, Rick (2013-01-10)
The project aimed to address the information deficit amongst irrigators, water resource managers and local government to ensure that irrigation in this region has a sustainable and productive future.
Pitt, Tim, Stevens, Rob (2012-11-01)
Key Findings for NPSI Project CIF5121: 1. Ensuring rainfall flushes salt is the key to sustaining supplementary irrigation with saline groundwater 2.
NPSI (2012-08-06)
The National Program for Sustainable Irrigation was a unique collaboration as it involved governments, irrigators, water providers and researchers from across Australia.