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McCollum, Doug, Coggan, Leisl (Crop Consultants Australia, 2021-12-31)
Harvey, Natasha, Guillaume, Joseph, Merritt, Wendy, Vervoort, Willem, Croke, Barry, Jakeman, Tony (Australian National University, 2021-12)
Merritt, Wendy, Harvey, Natasha, Guillaume, Joseph, Jakeman, Tony, Vervoort, Willem, Croke, Barry (Australian National University, 2021-12)
Padovan, Amanda, Walsh, Tom, Downes, Sharon (CSIRO, 2021-09-07)
Thomas, Amanda, White, Peter (Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd, 2021-09-01)
Thomas, Amanda (Macquarie Cotton Growers Association, 2021-08-31)
Quinn, James, Vogel, Stacey (Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd, 2021-06-30)
Baillie, Craig, Torrance, Logan, Long, Derek, Pothula, Anand, Brett, Peter, Humpal, Jacob (University Of Southern Queensland, 2021-06-30)
O'Keeffe, Kieran (Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd, 2021-06-30)
Ceeney, Sally (Cotton Australia, 2021-06-30)
Guest, Annabelle (Dryland Cotton Research Association, 2021-06-30)
Quarisa, Iva, Cleton, Paul (Southern Valley Cotton Grower Association, 2021-05-31)
Kearns, Stuart (Plant Health Australia, 2021-04-13)
This project aimed to deliver a series of podcasts to inform growers and industry on the various ways FAW was having an impact and being managed in key locations internationally and locally in Australia.
Montgomery, Janelle, Quinn, James (Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd, 2021-03-31)
McDonald, Nicole (2021)
This project was initially developed in response to the shift in the Australian agriculture industry to a new stage of transformation: the rise of digital agriculture.
Zare, Ehsan (University Of New South Wales, Sydney, 2020-12-31)
Merritt, Wendy, Guillaume, Joseph, Harvey, Natasha, Ticehurst, Jenifer (Australian National University, 2020-11)
Paschen, Jana-Axinja (The University Of Melbourne, 2020-07)
The Australian cotton industry and communities in regions where cotton is grown will continue to experience change challenges associated with drought and water policy, population dynamics, technology adoption and othe
Durham, John (Southern Valleys Cotton Growers Association, 2020-06-30)
During the past few cotton seasons in the CGA region there were approximately 20 spray drift reports per season, with nearly 40 unreported events per season.
Quinn, James, McKay, Andrew (Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd, 2020-06-30)