Enhancing Cotton Research Capacity at ACRI through Superior IT Support

Date Issued:2007-06-30


An efficient and world standard computing system at ACRI has benefited all research

programs through their use in data processing, storage, statistical analysis, modeling and the development of end-user packages. In addition the network located at ACRI provide printing services and communication which includes e-mail and website. These services have underpinned the quality of research conducted at ACRI and personnel rely heavily on continued and uninterrupted access to computing support to this IT. In instances many initiatives for the cotton industry instigated by researchers and extension officers rely solely on access to the computing support provided by this project. These services are imperative to the proper functioning of ACRI institute and is separate to IT overheads provided by CSIRO and NSW DPI.

This project enabled ACRI to operate its computing services as a whole. Supporting IT in this way is the most efficient and cost effective means for the cotton research effort at ACRI.

This support:

- provides ACRI with cutting edge IT technologies making it a world class research facility for dedicated cotton research.

- goes beyond generic services provided by research institutions based in capital cities

- ensures timely access to IT services at ACRI.

- avoids duplication and fragmentation of IT resources for research activities by different institutions based at ACRI.

- ensures that ACRI has an IT champion in place leveraging significant resources from the CSIRO and NSW DPI.

- enables cotton researchers at ACRI to focus on research alone and not on IT issues.

This project employed Tony Pfeiffer, an experienced Network manager permanently based at ACRI to enhance operation of IT at ACRI. While Tony is employed by CSIRO he is available to all people at ACRI to provide immediate computing assistance. He works closely with CSIRO IT and NSW Department of Primary Industries to coordinate further investment in computing services and infrastructure at the site. With the increase in computing power and staff at ACRI, the need for sustained technical support directly to the user has expanded. The systems manager now supports 63 CSIRO, 49 NSW Ag and 10 others computer users. The computer systems manager also supports the network servers (backup and communication) and phone system at ACRI.

As a result of cessation of funding to ACRI costing to CSIRO, NSW DPI and Cotton CRC was undertaken. In future researchers and other members of ACRI will cost the unique and enhanced computing services provided at ACRI as part of their project budgets.

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