Fauna Survey and Wildlife Workshop Field Day

Date Issued:2017-06-30


This project will provide the cotton industry with a champion for Rivercare aiming to communicate to cotton growers and the general public, through the establishment of a long-term riparian condition monitoring site on “Taraba”, how best management practice leads to good condition riparian areas. Taraba is the home of a cotton farmer who has a farm on the Macintyre river in southern QLD. this farmer is passionate about maintaining healthy ecosystems on his farm as part of running his farming business

Through the communication of the monitoring outcomes and participation in both industry and external conferences and forums as the Cotton RiverCare Champion, the farmer will be able to help the industry engage in conversations around the importance of good riparian stewardship for the resilience of a cotton farming business.

The aim of this project is not to collect scientific data but to assist the NRM Technical Specialist engage the cotton industry in good riparian stewardship as part of the “In it together campaign”.

In an increasing environmentally conscious global community, the Australian Cotton Industry, to maintain access to water, needs to demonstrate its good stewardship of rivers and riparian areas. Recent CRDC funded research by Dr Sam Capon is reiterating the close link between riparian management practice and condition.

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