Field evaluation of an insecticide management strategy for the control of pyrethroid resistant Heliothis armigera
In response to the development of resistance to pyrethroids by Heliothis armigera in 1983, an Insecticide management strategy was an attempt to prolong the field effectiveness of this and indeed, the other groups of Insecticides used against H. armigera on summer crops in Australia. Basically, the strategy allows the use of pyrethroids on only one generation of the four or five generations which can occur during the season. Control at other times relies on the rotation of unrelated chemical .groups (e.g. organophosphates. carbamates, endosulfan etc.). The strategy. was first Introduced in the 19R3/R4 season and was closely monitored in the Intensive cotton growing areas of the Namoi and Lower Gwydir valleys. This paper deals with the acceptance of the strategy in that area and the monitoring results for the first season.
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- 1984 Australian Cotton Growers Research Conference
Proceedings from the 1984 Australian Cotton Growers Research Conference