How Wet and Dry Cycles Affect Mineral Nitrogen Supply from Nitrogen Fertiliser

Date Issued:2015-06-30


The aim of this research was to measure by laboratory incubation trial, fertiliser and soil mineral nitrogen supply under variable wet and dry soil conditions. The experimental design will include:

 Black Vertosol at constant temperature in pots,

 Simulated wet/dry cycle,

 2 nitrogen fertiliser formulations (Entec and Urea) + unfertilised control,

 Single nitrogen application rate

 Measure soil mineral nitrogen at intervals over a period of up to 60 days,

 Measure N2O if budget allows.

Results from this trial will provide an indication of nitrogen release characteristics which can be linked to patterns of nitrogen release expected in field conditions and which can help to constrain soil mineral nitrogen and greenhouse gas emissions models. The researcher will be involved in a range of other cotton industry research projects (compaction, irrigation efficiency, energy efficiency, salinity) whilst based at the National Centre for Engineering in Australia, to enhance exposure to the industry.

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