Population genetics of heliothis migration, recruitment and origins
The UQ35c twelve-month project continued on from the UQ32c research covering the Helicoverpa armigera microsatellite survey of field collections over twelve of the major cotton growing regions during the 2003-2004 season. This microsatellite survey provides information on population structure and movement of H. armigera at both the local and regional levels. Over the preceding three years of study, more and more collaborating groups have provided collections to the microsatellite research, and as such the work is reaching a national scale.
This studies primary object was to continue collecting data on the migration and recruitment of H. armigera and then to extend this research to include a description of (i.e. tracking) the movement of resistant and susceptible H. armigera across these regions. A secondary aim for the new project was to incorporate ecological data to provide a more comprehensive understanding of H. armigera movement. These combined outputs are intended to provide better and more specific information on the control for H. armigera into area wide management strategies for the cotton and grains industries.
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- 2005 Final Reports
CRDC Final Reports submitted in 2005