A Review of Centre Pivot and Lateral Move Irrigation Installations in the Australian Cotton Industry
In 2001 a comprehensive review of centre pivot and lateral move (CPLM) irrigation systems in the Australian cotton industry was undertaken by Foley and Raine (2001). Interviews of 31 growers provided a detailed look at the design, management and performance of these systems, and where relevant, compared them to furrow irrigation. The review was specifically targeted towards cotton growers and included interviews across the entire cotton industry from Emerald in Queensland to Hillston in New South Wales. It is apparent that the number of CPLM systems used within the cotton and grains industry has significantly increased since 2001. The 2001 survey was repeated in 2011 in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin with funding from Healthy HeadWaters Water Use Efficiency project and in 2011-12 across the rest of the cotton and grains regions with funding from the Cotton Research and Development Corporation. The two data sets were combined to provide an Australian examination of changes in design, operation and management of CPLM systems over the preceding decade. In total, this analysis covered 173 systems irrigating an area of 13,969 ha. Of this area 42% was irrigated by centre pivots and 58% by lateral moves. Lateral move machines made up a larger proportion of the systems at 34% in the 2011-12 survey compared to 24% in 2001.
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