‘Science into Best Practice’ Linking Research with CottonInfo

Date Issued:2018-06-30


CSIRO is strategically committed to extension of research and to development of tools and techniques to support a more productive and profitable cotton farming system which also has an improved environmental performance. To ensure a high level of industry impact, CSIRO research outcomes need to be linked with campaigns that are implemented through the Cottoninfo team and supported by myBMP.

This project applied the industry knowledge and experience, research awareness, familiarity with development and delivery formats to lead numerous initiatives. Some of the key activities from this project included;

1. Leading extension campaigns to help the industry recognise the importance of IPM.

2. Ensuring that myBMP is linked and updated with the latest best practice messages from research results.

3. Validating best practice guidelines using field experiments. E.g. Pix experiments.

4. Supporting CottASSIST users.

5. Helping with the development of key industry publications. E.g. Australian Cotton Production Manual, Cotton Pest Management Guide.

6. Coordinating the Cotton Pest Management Short Course (2017/18) to train the next generation of crop consultants and farm managers in IPM practices and principles.

The CottonInfo team provides a mechanism to capture, develop, package and deliver research outcomes and foster their uptake by industry. This project made use of the strong links between the CottonInfo team and research community. It involved integrating new research appropriately to help develop a range of extension support such as publications, online decision support, extension activities and the resources behind myBMP.

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