Smart technology for best practice Work Health Safety by cotton growers

Date Issued:2016-06-30


The cotton sector is a leader in farm WHS because growers have used evidence-based information to develop practical and effective systems to manage WHS. In some instances WHS can be complex due to conflicting interpretation of WHS standards e.g. advice on practical machinery guarding, bunding for diesel tanks, access to distribution tanks/ irrigation gates etc. This leads to less than optimal uptake and compliance by growers. It is widely accepted that for increased adoption of safety practices to occur, WHS systems need to be convenient, result in cost efficiencies and assist with meeting compliance and legislation requirements.

There is also a requirement to ensure that all workers are competent to undertake the tasks required, with a safety induction being critical to assist in this process. Consequently, enhancing the ease with which contractors can be inducted will assist growers.

With the increasing uptake of smart phone and tablet computer technologies by growers, this provides an opportunity to develop alternate approaches that may further streamline the process to improve WHS.

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