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Manjarrez, Maria (2019-06-30)
This travel scholarship funded the attendance of one researcher to participate and present at the 2018 FUSCOM Conference.
Sauer, Brooke (CRDC, 2019-06-30)
The AgTech Finder is a direct response to challenges facing the industry relating to barriers to new technology adoption - namely, the ability for agribusinesses to know what is available and understand the essential
Byrnes-Morrison, Tracey (Cotton Australia, 2019-06-30)
The funding for project CA1804 was the underwriting of the 2018 Australian Cotton Conference.
Vadakattu, Gupta V.S.R. (CSIRO Agriculture And Food, 2019-06-30)
This travel scholarship funded the 10th Australasian Soilborne Disease Symposium.
(Agtrans Research, 2018-09-30)
myBMP is a voluntary farm and environmental management system which provides self- assessment mechanisms, practical tools and auditing processes to ensure that Australian cotton is produced according to best managemen