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Van Der Sluijs, Rene (CSIRO Materials Science And Engineering, 2012-06-30)
The John Deere (JD) 7760 harvester has been taken up very quickly by the Australian cotton industry as these machines can harvest cotton virtually non-stop, making them very productive, requiring little labour as it d
Montgomery, Janelle (NSW Department Of Primary Industries, 2012-06-30)
A knowledge system model to improve the effectiveness of the transfer of(irrigation)
information to growers was developed and tested. Knowledge can be described as
Rodriguez, Daniel (Queensland Alliance For Agriculture And Food Innovation (QAAFI), 2012-06-30)
Australian irrigators are under increasing pressure to
maintain the viability of their farm businesses in the
face of reduced surface and ground-water allocations;
Mulligan, Lyndon (Lyndon Mulligan, 2011-06-30)
The theme of the conference centered on organised grower groups and where they fitted in the agricultural research landscape.