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Mensah, Robert (NSW Department Of Industry And Investment, 2010-06-30)
This report presents the experimental work and outcomes of the project that commenced in 2006 and was completed on 30 June 2010 (03DAN001).
Miles, Melina (Queensland DEEDI, 2010-06-30)
The objectives of the project were to (i) develop techniques for evaluating insecticide efficacy against solenopsis mealybug, and (ii) evaluate the efficacy of a range of insecticides that have potential to provide ef
Rencken, Ingrid (University Of New England, 2007-06-30)
Beneficial insects (generalist predators and parasitoids) occur within cotton agro ecosystems in Australia, but farming systems do not always encourage their survival.
Walker, P (1998-06-29)
Objectives The dynamics of beneficial insect communities in cotton agroecosystems and the role of alternative crops in producing natural enemies for cotton * To quantify the seasonal phenology and abundance of key ben