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Corish, Nigel (MacIntyre Valley Cotton Growers Association (CGA), 2014-06-30)
The Back Paddock Company has become one of the leading soil nutrition consultants in the cotton industry.
Stone, Gordon (Gordon Stone & Associates, 2014-06-30)
Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC) has undertaken research, within its Cotton Industry Workforce Development Project, into defining cotton agribusiness sector (resellers, suppliers of goods and service
Cowlrick, Tom (Back Paddock Company, 2014-06-30)
Nitrogen use workshops form part of the Cotton Research and Development Corporations Extension and Outreach project; “Carbon Farming in the Australian Cotton Industry”.
Walsh, Tom (CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, 2014-06-30)
The three-gene product Bollgard 3 is expected to be available commercially in 2015.
Lowien, Zara (Gwydir Valley Cotton Growers Association (CGA), 2014-06-30)
Cotton growers and consultants are becoming concerned with the level of
compaction in soils in the Gwydir. The feeling is that compaction is increasing due