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Roth, Guy (University Of New England, Roth Rural & Regional Pty Ltd, 2010-06-30)
Expectations for industries to manage resources in a sustainable manner raise the question of how industries can demonstrate their sustainability credentials.
Frager, Lyn, Temperley, John (University Of Sydney, 2009-06-30)
The cotton industry in Australia had an early interest in pursuing improved safety and has included
presentations on cotton production health and safety at most annual cotton conferences since 1990
Moulynox, Jason (2009-06-30)
Cotton production is an important rural industry in Australia. Disease pressure from emerging pathogens such as Thielaviopsis basicola threatens to reduce production.
Baillie, Craig (University Of Southern Queensland, 2008-06-30)
Within highly mechanised agricultural productions systems such as the Australian cotton industry, operational energy inputs represent a significant cost to growers.
(Land And Water Australia, 2003-06-30)
Cotton production has grown to become one of Australia’s most important agricultural
industries, with several regional economies supported by its development. Growing