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Richards, Dirk (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
The broad aims of CCC CRC 5.2.03 ‘Delivering science to agribusiness: Smart approaches to cotton irrigation management’ were to; conduct irrigation research for emerging crop management issues and alternative cotton c
Bange, Mike (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
Principal Researchers: Dr M. Bange, Ms. S Deutscher, Mr D. Linsley, Mr S. Johnston, Mr. D. Richards, Ms. L. Thakur, Ms L. Clancy
Duggan, Brian (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2006-06-30)
Green mirids (Creontiades dilutus) have emerged as a significant problem in commercial Bt-cotton crops, especially in Bollgard II crops.
Neilsen, James (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2006-06-30)
Improved understanding of cotton plant response to water stress.
Experiments to establish the response of cotton plant to soil water stress under different soil types,
Yeates, Steve (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2006-06-30)
Options for increasing yield and water use efficiency in high retention Bollgard II cotton were identified from research that studied the growth and development of Bollgard II and conventional cotton varieties.