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McDonald, Ben (CSIRO Agricultural Flagship, 2016-06-30)
The cotton plant derived a large proportion of N nutrition from the soil organic pool (up to 70%) which is composed of N sourced from previous fertiliser application and the soil N pool that has built up over the mill
Ringrose-Voase, Anthony (CSIRO Land & Water, 2016-06-30)
Deep drainage varies considerably depending on soil properties and irrigation management, and is not necessarily ‘very small’ - 50-100 mm/yr is typical, though 0 to 900 mm/yr has been observed.
Ringrose-Voase, Anthony, Nadelko, Tony (2014-08-05)
Deep drainage below irrigated crops wastes a scarce resource and can potentially lead to rising water tables and salinity.
Ringrose-Voase, Anthony, Nadelko, Tony (2012-08-05)
Silburn, Mark, Foley, Jenny (Queensland DEEDI, 2011-06-30)
The cotton industry and other investors have spent millions of dollars on ‘water balance’
related research over the past two decades. While soil water balance models can be used