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Sellars, Simon, Taylor, Ian (Boyce Chartered Accountants, 2019-06-30)
The 2018 Australian Cotton Comparative Analysis (ACCA) is the fourteenth report produced by Boyce Chartered Accountants in conjunction with the Cotton Research & Development Corporation (CRDC).
(Agtrans Research, 2018-09-30)
myBMP is a voluntary farm and environmental management system which provides self- assessment mechanisms, practical tools and auditing processes to ensure that Australian cotton is produced according to best managemen
Chudleigh, Peter (Agtrans Research, 2018-09-30)
The following impact assessment addresses investment by CRDC in a cluster six sustainability projects.
Kiely, Aaron (Central Highland Cotton Growers & Irrigators Association, 2018-06-30)
This project supported growers to see a different irrigation solutions being implemented on farm.
Glover, Julie (Upper Namoi Cotton Grower Association Workshop, 2018-06-30)
Fertiliser is commonly spread in a typical cotton farming system and evidence suggests that the spreaders being used have not been calibrated properly meaning that these machines are not operating at maximum efficienc