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Rossiter, Louise (NSW Department Of Primary Industries, 2011-06-30)
Insecticide resistance represents one of the most significant limitations to successful pest control and economic production in Australian cotton industry.
Burns, Mitchell (University Of Sydney, 2011-06-30)
) used to support pesticide management decisions at the catchment-scale can deliver environmental protection while retaining farm production benefits.
Rossiter, Louise (NSW Department Of Primary Industries, 2005-06-30)
Insecticide resistance in the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera has been one of the greatest limitations to successful pest control and economic cotton production in Australia.
Cottage, Emma Cottage (NSW Department Of Primary Industries, 2004-06-30)
Since the first reported control failures at Emerald during the 1998-99 cotton season, insecticide resistance in cotton aphid, has emerged as a significant threat to the Australian cotton industry.
Unlisted (2004-06-30)
The research project described in this report is concerned with the isolation and, characterization of a gene/enzyme system for the bioremediation of endosulfan sulfate, (endosulfate), the toxic metabolite of endosulf