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Bange, Mike (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
Principal Researchers: Dr M. Bange, Ms. S Deutscher, Mr D. Linsley, Mr S. Johnston, Mr. D. Richards, Ms. L. Thakur, Ms L. Clancy
Henderson, Lionel (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
CSIRO Plant lndustry's Cotton Management Support Systems Team (CMSST) develops and
delivers decision support systems (DSS) to improve the profitability and sustainability of
Schule, Ralph (Centre For International Economics, 2003-06-30)
CSIRO and the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC) commissioned the Centre for International Economics (CIE) to undertake a benefit cost analysis of the research work done by the CSIRO Cotton Research Un
Milroy, Stephen (CSIRO Cotton Research Unit, 2003-06-30)
The cotton simulation model, OZCOT, is an important component of a number of current and future projects.
Bange, Michael (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2002-06-30)
Managing sustainable cotton production is becoming more difficult with the ever-increasing demands for limited resources.