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Ringrose-Voase, Anthony (CSIRO Land & Water, 2016-06-30)
Deep drainage varies considerably depending on soil properties and irrigation management, and is not necessarily ‘very small’ - 50-100 mm/yr is typical, though 0 to 900 mm/yr has been observed.
CottonInfo, Montgomery, Janelle, Pendergast, Lance (CottonInfo, 2015-05-19)
If you want to produce more bales of cotton per ML of water used, an irrigation evaluation is an important tool for improving your water use efficiency.
Hare, Jenelle, White, Simon (2008-08-10)
Discussion with Darling Downs growers and consultants identified a lack of local quantitative results on the response of current Bollgard varieties to different irrigation deficits.
White, Simon (2006-06-30)
There is currently a shortage of irrigation water available for cotton production in Australia due to recent climatic and legislative conditions.
Bodapati, Naidu (Department Of Natural Resources And Mines, 2004-06-30)
The current project was devised in the knowledge that increased sodicity and salinity of percolating water will alter the saturated conductivity of many soils, especially sodic soils.