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Cameron, John (Independent Consultants Australia Network, 2017-09-30)
Sustainable weed management in cotton farming systems is critical to the long-term production of profitable, high yielding cotton crops.
Redfern, Ruth (2015-08-25)
In this edition of the CottonInfo enews, we bring you two of the key things you need to know from the Guide: the herbicide and insecticide resistance management strategies.
CottonInfo Team, Maas, Susan, Ceeney, Sally, Redfern, Ruth (2015-08-10)
This Guide provides you with a comprehensive summary of the key cotton crop protection issues, and is brought to you by the Australian cotton industry's joint extension program, CottonInfo.
Krampl, Engelbert (2015-07-02)
South East Queensland farmer Engelbert Krampl first encountered glyphosate resistant barnyard grass in his cropping system in the summer of 2008-09.
Charles, Graham (Department Of Agriculture And Fisheries, 2015-06-30)
This proposal builds on many years of weeds work supported by CRDC and aims to value add to the earlier work, while providing strategic information to cotton growers in support of MyBMP, based around updating WEEDpak,