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Liu, Qing (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2010-06-30)
As a by product of more valuable cotton fibre, cottonseed oil (CSO) in its current form is widely used in its current form in various food applications around the world.
Knox, Oliver (CSIRO Entomology, 2009-06-30)
The presence of an active interaction between plants and microbiological life in soil has been accepted for many years.
It has been accepted for many years that there is an interaction between plants
and the microbiological life that exists in soil. This interaction is particularly
Knox, Oliver (2006-06-30)
6th Pacific Rim Conference, held at the Fairmount Empress Hotel, Victoria, BC, Canada from
the 30th of October to the 3rd of November 2005.
Vadakattu, VSR Gupta (CSIRO Land And Water, 2004-06-30)
Taking advantage of a GRDC funded trip to attend the Annual meetings of Soil Science SOC of America held in Indianapolis, I requested CRDC funds to visit laboratories involved in research related to Bt-crops and soil