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Smith, Rhiannon (University Of New England, 2018-06-30)
River red gums are iconic in all cotton catchments and provide a number of valuable ecosystem services to growers, such as carbon sequestration, erosion mitigation and biodiversity conservation.
Harp, Madelyn (University Of Queensland, 2017-06-30)
This project aims to evaluate the reliance of riparian vegetation on groundwater in the Lower Balonne region.
Kelly, Bryce (University Of New South Wales, 2016-06-30)
This project examined the impact of the expansion of Coal Seam Gas (CSG) production in the Surat Basin on
Ringrose-Voase, Anthony (CSIRO Land & Water, 2016-06-30)
Deep drainage varies considerably depending on soil properties and irrigation management, and is not necessarily ‘very small’ - 50-100 mm/yr is typical, though 0 to 900 mm/yr has been observed.
CottonInfo (2015-05-11)
Groundwater monitoring - What to monitor. What equipment is needed. How often to monitor.