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Durham, John (Southern Valleys Cotton Growers Association, 2020-06-30)
During the past few cotton seasons in the CGA region there were approximately 20 spray drift reports per season, with nearly 40 unreported events per season.
Gall, Lou (Gwydir Valley Irrigators Association Inc., 2018-12-30)
Grower-led irrigation system comparison in the Gwydir Valley aims to collect commercially relevant comparative data on different irrigation systems.
Smith, Rhiannon (University Of New England, 2018-06-30)
River red gums are iconic in all cotton catchments and provide a number of valuable ecosystem services to growers, such as carbon sequestration, erosion mitigation and biodiversity conservation.
Gall, Lou (Gwydir Valley & Macquarie Cotton Grower Association, 2018-06-30)
The Gwydir Valley region has been experiencing varying but rising levels of the incidence of Silver Leaf Whitefly (SLW) over the last few years, and the Macquarie is only a season or two behind.
Montgomery, Janelle, Waters, Warwick (CottonInfo Team, 2017-06-30)
Cotton Mealybugs have moved south from Central Queensland with confirmed sightings on the Darling Downs and in the Macintyre Valley in January & February 2017.