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Crowle, Gene (CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship, 2016-06-30)
This research sought to determine why differences in dye uptake may occur between cottons with near identical fibre properties.
Van Der Sluijs, Rene (2014-06-30)
If Australia is to maintain its reputation as a consistent supplier of high quality cotton it will need to ensure that the entire cotton pipeline from growing to ginning conforms to industry Best Management Practices
Miao, Menghe, Gordon, Stuart (CSIRO Materials Science & Engineering, 2013-06-30)
The objectives of this project were to compare results from Uster Technologies IntelliGin system, an in-line leaf, colour and moisture monitor for cotton ginning, with leaf and colour grade results from the standard H
Naylor, Geoff (CSIRO Materials Science And Engineering, 2013-06-30)
The cotton industry relies on HVI measurements of cotton fibre quality for commercial trading. The current scoping study has confirmed the influence of cotton fibre length on the HVI Strength measurement i.e.
Naylor, Geoff (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2013-06-30)