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Gaynor, Harry (The University Of Sydney, 2019-06-30)
Irrigation is a key component of cotton production in Australian agriculture, where increasing pressures of water scarcity requires growers to improve their water use efficiency.
Brodrick, Rose (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2012-06-30)
This project aimed to improve cotton irrigation WUE using dynamic deficits to (i) avoid plant stress and maximize yield and (ii) make the most effective use of in-crop rainfall.
Bange, Mike (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
Principal Researchers: Dr M. Bange, Ms. S Deutscher, Mr D. Linsley, Mr S. Johnston, Mr. D. Richards, Ms. L. Thakur, Ms L. Clancy
Henderson, Lionel (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
CSIRO Plant lndustry's Cotton Management Support Systems Team (CMSST) develops and
delivers decision support systems (DSS) to improve the profitability and sustainability of
Tennakoon, Sunil, Wilson, Lewis, Cain, Jo (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2006-06-30)
Water continues to be a major constraint for cotton production systems.