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Williams, Sandra (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2017-06-30)
Prior to teh commencement of the 2016/17 cotton season, it was predicted that early season pest numbers would be extreme and widespread due to good winter and spring rainfall in all areas.
Watson, Andrew (2015-09-07)
Boggabri cotton grower, Andrew Watson, has shown that with optimal growth rates, a healthy population of beneficial predators and a plant monitoring approach, it is possible to grow a Bollgard II crop without (or with
Barlow, Anthony (2015-07-03)
Managing riparian vegetation for multiple benefits
Williams, Sandra (2015-04-15)
This document covers species identification, honeydew, Whitefly ecology, thresholds , management Farm hygeine and Biosecurity risks
Wilson, Lewis, Mensah, Robert (CSIRO Plant Industry, Department Of Agriculture, 2013-06-30)
Drs Robert Mensah and Lewis Wilson were invited by on the Organising Committee of the
International Congress of Entomology Conference to organise a symposium on the