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Downes, Sharon, Bird, Lisa (CRDC, 2017-05-09)
The End of Season Resistance Monitoring Report, by Sharon Downes, and the Conventional Insecticide Testing Report, by Lisa Bird provide a summary of the outcomes of both programs during this season.
Downes, Sharon, Bird, Lisa (CRDC, 2015-07-01)
Williams, Sandra (2015-04-15)
This document covers species identification, honeydew, Whitefly ecology, thresholds , management Farm hygeine and Biosecurity risks
Ceeney, Sally, Sampson, Luke (2014-05-09)
These end of season resistance management tactics are key components of the Bollgard II resistance management plan (RMP).
Ceeney, Sally, Downes, Sharon, Tann, Colin (2014-02-19)
What are 'survivors'? Are they resistant to Bollgard II?, Control of Helicoverpa larvae in Bollgard II, Helicoverpa thresholds , Insecticide selection for Bollgard II crops.