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Regan, Peter (New South Wales Department Of Primary Industries: Office Of The Department Of Industry, 2018-06-30)
The objective of this project funding was to maximise profitability by improving the efficiency and flexibility of broadacre irrigation systems.
Melland, Alice, Antille, Diogenes, Pittaway, Pam (University Of Southern Queensland, 2018-06-30)
Organic matter in soil can supply more than 50% of the nitrogen (N) to cotton crops, but this pool of N supply is dynamic and difficult to predict.
Kiely, Aaron (Central Highland Cotton Growers & Irrigators Association, 2018-06-30)
This project supported growers to see a different irrigation solutions being implemented on farm.
Green, Simon (Dawson Valley Cotton Growers Association, 2018-06-30)
This project assisted members of the Dawson Valley Cotton Growers to attend AgTECH CH17 on Wednesday 8th November 2017, stay over in Emerald for the evening to then participate in the CHCGI organised field day the fol
HIll, James (University Of Tasmania, 2018-06-30)
This project, led by the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture focused on the use of data and
autonomous technology in helping farmers make informed decisions and improve their