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Durham, John (Southern Valleys Cotton Growers Association, 2020-06-30)
During the past few cotton seasons in the CGA region there were approximately 20 spray drift reports per season, with nearly 40 unreported events per season.
O'Brien, Mary (CottonInfo Team And Upper Namoi Cotton Growers Association, 2019-06-30)
This project funding supported two workshops held in the Upper Namoi area; one in Spring Ridge, and one in Boggabri.
Vadakattu, Gupta V.S.R. (CSIRO Agriculture And Food, 2019-06-30)
This travel scholarship funded the 10th Australasian Soilborne Disease Symposium.
Shuey, Tim (Queensland Department Of Agriculture And Fisheries, 2018-12-30)
TThis project supported travel, which was conducted in order to participate in the course “Nematodes in Cropping Systems: Identification and Techniques, 2017”.
White, Monique (Dairy Australia, 2018-06-30)
Smarter Irrigation for Profit was funded via Round 1 of the Rural Research and Development for Profit Program.