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Waters, Warwick, Hunter, Geoff (Cotton Info Team, 2017-06-30)
Two workshops were organised by The Cotton Info Team to address a number of grower requests for human resource information and managing staff.
Welsh, Jon (Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd, 2017-06-30)
In the last few years Australia's renewable energy sector has gone from niche to mainstream, resulting in cost reduction and a reduced need for government.
Woods, Nicholas, Cattanach, Gavin (National Working Party For Pesticide Applications (NWPPA), 2017-06-30)
The National Working Party on Pesticide Applications (NWPPA) has been working since 2010 to bring a national, coordinated technical approach to spray drift issues.
Ringrose-Voase, Anthony (CSIRO Land & Water, 2016-06-30)
Deep drainage varies considerably depending on soil properties and irrigation management, and is not necessarily ‘very small’ - 50-100 mm/yr is typical, though 0 to 900 mm/yr has been observed.
Bennett, John (University Of Southern Queensland, 2016-06-30)
Technological innovations in the cotton industry are advancing mechanisation and seeking to create improved efficiencies of labour and energy inputs.