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Korbel, Kathy, Little, John (2015-05-04)
The Focus on NRM research series introduces you to the key cotton NRM researchers and their work.
Biggs, Andrew (2015-05-04)
Vogel, Stacey, Trindall, Jane, Redfern, Ruth (2014-05-20)
Ashley & Rowena Feral Pig Management
In the Gwydir valley a series of workshops on
vegetation management were held with 43
landholders within the Ashley and Rowena area
Vogel, Stacey, Trindall, Stacey, Redfern, Ruth (2014-05-20)
Snapshot of project achievements:
• Five farmers with improved natural resourcemanagement knowledge and skills
• 16,830ha of native vegetation conditionbenchmarked
Bugilbone Ridge Feral Pig Management
In the Namoi Valley a pilot project has trialled exciting
new ways to engage growers and their families
in managing natural vegetation on their farms